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Time to Troubleshoot When Your Dishwasher Won’t Fill With Water

dishwasher not getting water

dishwasher repair company

Is your dishwasher refusing to fill with water? There could be a number of reasons why, so let’s try and diagnose the problem. Here we’ll provide simple step-by-step instructions and answers to common questions about why your dishwasher won’t fill with water.

dishwasher not getting any water

Before inspecting anything else, check the hose supply line and shutoff valve to make sure we haven’t missed a simple solution. Be aware of any kinks that could be inhibiting water flow into the dishwasher. If none are found and the shutoff valve is open, move onto inspecting the hose, diverter, and float switch.

The dishwasher door switch is a safety mechanism that can turn off power to the water inlet valve and the pump motor when the dishwasher door is opened. If this switch has become stuck or it’s damaged, it will prevent water from entering your dishwasher. Check for any obstructions that could be making contact with the switch, then inspect the wiring and connections to be sure they’re secure.

Before you begin troubleshooting the door switch, start by verifying that power is getting to the dishwasher. Inspect the cord and connections at the rear of your unit, checking for any physical damage or loose wires. If everything looks okay, try eyeing your circuit breaker or resetting the power panel. If these steps don’t bring power back to the dishwasher, you may have an electrician check out your wiring.

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